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Meathead Mobility

Mobility for Meatheads

Early into your training career the amount of injuries is likely to be sparse. Over time, with repetitive movements and maybe not enough time off, comes some wear and tear. Many people are recently jumping on the Romwod bandwagon although I believe that crowd largely consists of crossfitters and weightlifters and not as many powerlifters or meat heads in general.

Todays series is good for: Avid bench pressers, athletes in sports that require overhead activity (volleyball, swimming, baseball, etc.)

Some upcoming questions:
How do you program mobility?
Do I have a mobility day like I have a chest day?

I have struggled in the past justifying doing "stretching" after a 2 and a half hour training session. These articles won't include those hour long hot yoga session people keep telling you to go to.
These exercises can either be performed pre- or post- workout to either warm up or just to get the work in. They should take approximately 5 minutes.

Perform 2 rounds:
A. Band Dislocates x 10
B. Band Pull-Aparts x 12
C. Band I to I stretch x 30-40 Seconds



C. Start with a band attached to a pullup bar or up high on a rig. Start with hands above your head parallel (almost like the dislocates, but parallel arms) and take 15-20 seconds to rotate your arms down and behind you until you reach parallel arms at your sides. Then raise back up 15-20 seconds to the starting position with hands above you head.

Keep it simple, keep it short, and do it consistently. It's better than skipping out on any injury prevention exercises. 

If you would like a more extensive guide or exercises and have more than a few minutes to perform them, I would highly suggest Justin Thackers Happy Shoulders video on youtube.


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